Australian Eco Print are proud supporters of Minus 18 – Champions for LGBTIQ+ Youth
29th February 2020 By The Australian Eco Print Team
Mardi Gras is a time of celebration for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) community. Australian Eco Print is proud to celebrate equality and partner with Minus18, Australia’s youth driven network for LGBTIQ+ Youth.
Young people in Australia still experience homophobic and trans phobic bullying and discrimination based upon their identity. LGBTIQ+ young people are 3 x times more likely to attempt suicide. This highlights how important it is to continue to advocate for change and provide support to make Australia safe for our youth.
This is where Minus18 comes in. They are a not for profit organisation providing support to LGBTIQ+ youth by helping to coordinate inclusive social events, providing a forum for peer to peer support, workshops and educative campaigns in schools and workplaces all over Australia. Minus18 relies on companies such as ours to support them and assist in raising funds.
Australian Eco Print is proud to support Minus18 initiatives throughout the year. You can be part of that if you use the code MINUS18 at Australian Eco Print checkout, we will not only give you 5% off your order, we’ll also donate 5% of the order value to ensure Minus18 remain the champions of our LGBTIQ+ youth.
Learn about Minus18 and the way they’re changing lives at